Visit this section to get updates on the project activities, news and results.
Tell me a story
The ability to tell stories is something characteristic of the human being. We all listened carefully to the stories of our childhood, imagined and shared…
Training programme on (audio)visual narrative and communication
We started September with great enthusiasm, because we already have the first prototype of the contents for the training program on audiovisual narrative and communication….
Com ON newsletter ready!
Take a look at the spring-summer newsletter of the project.And stay tunned on social media for news and updated!
Challenges and opportunities of audiovisual communication for adults
Finding a person who has not received a multimedia or audiovisual message in their life is as difficult as finding one who has not heard…
Welcome to Com On project!
Technology is transforming faster and faster the way we live, relate, interact and communicate. Smartphones, tablets, notebooks, computers… are tools that can provide and support…