Tell me a story

The ability to tell stories is something characteristic of the human being. We all listened carefully to the stories of our childhood, imagined and shared worlds and adventures (imaginary or real) with our friends, and even made use of our ability to build a compelling white lie.


We love to tell and listen to stories, and a good proof of this are books, movies, video games, advertising and, why not, instagram stories!

We are currently living the great technological evolution that puts in our hands tools and great potential for other ways of storytelling and communicating. The digital narrative offers us clear advantages: fast and direct communication, variety of media (words, video, sounds, images ...) and multiple channels.

The project Com ON – Unleash you potential for (audio) visual communication tries to bring the digital narrative to everybody, and to do so created a Training programme on (audio)visual narrative and communication that is open and free, available in 5 Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Bulgarian and Polish.


Check out the AUDIOVISUAL NARRATIVE module, where you will find very interesting concepts and ideas on this topic, as well as real experiences carried out online and offline, which perfectly illustrate the art of telling stories.

Remember that we have a community on Facebook, where you will find more interesting information, resources, examples … and that is open to your contributions.

Click on the link to access –

Your comments are helpful to improve this training. You can leave your opinion on the following questionnaire  – 

Training programme on (audio)visual narrative and communication

We started September with great enthusiasm, because we already have the first prototype of the contents for the training program on audiovisual narrative and communication.

We visited to Porto to perform an intense work session, which allowed us to give the final touches to a training that will soon be released.


Do you want to know a little more about this training?

The project team worked on the creation of the training content around the four previously defined axes: digital narrative, video creation, creation of images and illustrations.

One of the most interesting aspects is that each of these areas has been designed to be used independently, although all of them encompass the key elements of audiovisual communication.

We worked on a pedagogical approach oriented to self-learning, so that the students decide they own pace and selects the contents that interest them most.

In addition, they can participate in the Com ON community through the web and social networks, to share experiences, learning, resources … with other students.

Stay connected to social networks to learn more about the next steps of the Com ON project. A very interesting autumn awaits us!

Com ON newsletter ready!

Take a look at the spring-summer newsletter of the project.
And stay tunned on social media for news and updated!

Challenges and opportunities of audiovisual communication for adults

Finding a person who has not received a multimedia or audiovisual message in their life is as difficult as finding one who has not heard of Game of Thrones. We only have to look in our hands, or on our table, to realize the level of infiltration of communication technologies in our daily lives.

Mobile phones, but also tablets and other devices, such as smart watches, offer us new ways to communicate, based primarily on audiovisual language.

There are data that allow us to measure this fact: in 2017, for the first time, the number of mobile lines (SIM cards used exclusively by people) was 7800 million*, surpassing the number of inhabitants of the planet.

WhatsApp is present in 128 countries and managed to exchange more than 60,000 million messages per day.

If we count the active users per month, WhatsApp and YouTube are quite equal, with 1.500 million, but others are not left behind. Instagram has more than 1,000 million and Snapchat more than 287 million.


Audiovisual material already accounts for 80% of all content consumed on the Internet. Increasingly, people have the channels and tools that allow them to generate their own messages and stories. Audiovisual communication is cross-cutting and, which is a great opportunity, is not without challenges.

The Com ON project met with specialists from four countries to discuss the needs, challenges and opportunities of audiovisual communication. We counted with the participation of 20 experts in communication, new technologies and adult education. In debate sessions, we deepened in key elements that will help us develop the most appropriate Training on (Audio)visual Communication for adults, the main result of the project.

After the summer we will have the prototype of this training available and will begin the testing phase with users. Interested to take part?


Follow the news of the project on social networks and contact the Asociación Moviéndote or the partner organisation in your country, for more information.

*data from the GSMA Mobile Economy annual report, 2018.

Welcome to Com On project!

Technology is transforming faster and faster the way we live, relate, interact and communicate. Smartphones, tablets, notebooks, computers… are tools that can provide and support people to live their lives better, but there are skills and competences needed to really seize all their potential. 

Even if most of the young people and adults with a smartphone have experienced to some extent a kind of audiovisual communication, this does not necessarely means that they fully understand and perform a real communication experience through these means.

Com ON – Unleash your potential for (audio)visual COMmunication is an Eramus+ project focused on developing open training resources to empower adults in Europe seize all the benefits of audiovisual communication.


Follow us to know more about the project activities and how to get involved in this experiencie with us!