Technology is transforming faster and faster the way we live, relate, interact and communicate. Smartphones, tablets, notebooks, computers… are tools that can provide and support people to live their lives better, but there are skills and competences needed to really seize all their potential.
- Some statistics outline that by 2020, 80% of Internet traffic will be video consume.
- Right now 10 million videos are watched in Snapchat every day.
- More and more companies, public bodies and other institutions are basing their communication on audiovisual elements (videos, infographics, images, illustrations…)
- But also people make their own creations (videos, gifs, memes….) to express their ideas, enjoy or even ask for a job (e.g. through video curriculums or infographicCVs).
The Com ON project seeks to provide a training programme to empower European adults to unleash their potential and be able to understand, create and share audiovisual messages and stories.
Project objectives include:
To offer an integrated and innovative programme that will boost adult collective digital socialization and inclusion.
To boost the developement of a social competence (communication as basic soft-skill), but also creativity and critical thinking.
To promote digital literacy skills, corresponding to the EC DIGCOMP framework for digital competences. More precisely, the project results will take into account this reference on the area of Digital Content Creation (Area 3), and 2 of the key competences included in this area.
To reduce the existing inequalities for the target group of adult people so they can access and actively participate from the new technologies in non-formal education.